Wednesday, January 19, 2005

Night of the Living Dead

Apparently it’s “Blast From the Past” time in my life. Last night I got all worked up over my ex, a guy who dumped me about a year ago. Well, actually, it was almost exactly a year ago yesterday. I hadn’t noticed the anniversary, but apparently the ol’ subconscious did, because it resurrected a wave of nice memories and a whole bunch of melancholy over a guy that I thought was firmly buried in my past.

The details are inconsequential: we’ve all been kicked in the chest by the Clydesdale of love (ok, the metaphor is over-wrought but I really like it) and the effect is the same for each of us. I was a mess for months (really, worse than I am now) and I worked really hard to get over it. There’s nothing more pitiful than some sad sack moping around, hoping the dumb jerk that dumped him will come crawling back. My friends put up with it, and were kind enough to give me a sympathetic ear and a little tough love. And earning my eternal gratitude, James and Matthew submitted a very viable, entirely legal plan for destroying his life (here’s a little tip: dig your own grave before you truly cross the two of them. Seriously.). Regretfully, I had to turn down the offer. Instead, I dated some guys, drank some beer, and got over it the way they say us big kids should. I even found a new boyfriend who’s young, cute, and wildly affectionate. It's the best revenge.

My bit of nocturnal nostalgia wouldn’t be noteworthy except that today, right after lunch, the ex’s best friend emailed me. It was a relatively impersonal email, but still I hadn’t heard a peep from this guy in nearly a year. The coincidence is a little weird. Why now, at or near the anniversary (frankly, I’m refusing to look back and see exactly what day the big dump happened), when it’s already at the top of my mind? I really just want a pass on the whole thing. Let the dead bodies lie where they’ve been buried (that’s a metaphor, kids) instead of climbing out of my psyche to chase me around like some gay-dating version of Night of the Living Dead. It’s not fair, I deserve to be over it!

And, I think JPK called me caustic. That hurts. I’d make up something mean about him in response, but I think a blog entry that tells nothing but the truth would be more fun. Anyone have any input? Or his ex Ben’s contact info?


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