Monday, March 14, 2005

"This blog sucks!" --Carl Reiner

The weekend was oddly uneventful, so I have just a few tidbits for you to consider:

*Matty, Paul, and Curtis continued their sex tour of LA Saturday and Sunday. Whatever they did Saturday night left the three of them incommunicado until noon on Monday. I heard rumblings (ok, got texts from Paul) about getting a street hustler for Curtis’s Birthday. All I can say is I’m sure a good time was had by all, now bring on the antibiotics!

*Timmy just discovered the blog. He commented that he has pics of Motorbike Mike’s cup from the spaghetti feed last Sunday, so I’ll try to get those posted. Apparently my promotional efforts haven’t been working; he just checked it out despite 8 months of emails. Maybe I’ll have some bumper stickers made up.

*Last night, after a bruising day of drinking with the Mexican Mafia, I went to Timberline. And there I danced with Brian Trouble, bumped into half the tricks I’ve every slept with, and ran into my supervisor (with her husband) in a short black skirt and a leather coat dancing to Push It (Push it Real Good). It was the most random night I’ve ever had at Timberline, and that’s saying something. The upside was I had forgotten how cute some of those boys from my past were. It’s a good thing Carlos doesn’t ever read these entries.

*Also at Timberline last night: Mike Meola and Ben were out together, and most assuredly not getting ready to sleep with each other. Ben was busy living up to his nickname, Bento, by hitting on this buff, beefy quasi-Asian guy. And Mike was just staggering around, pretending that in the morning he’d be able to remember who to deny sleeping with.

* I’ve found my new favorite website, You’ve probably seen it, it’s about a cute little rabbit named Toby. And Toby is going to be dinner unless people donate $50K to Toby’s owner by June 30. It may be cheesy, but the guy has accumulated $18K. During one 24 hour period, he made $1400. I’m going to adapt the concept, only it will be When I receive $100K in donations I will get Seth and Paul in a room, and on a live webcast tell Seth what Paul has been saying about him. Donate early, donate often!

*JPK’s blog seems to be defunct. His last entry, dated two weeks ago, just says that he’ll be back. Someone left a comment reading: “This blog sucks!” It's signed, oddly, Carl Reiner. Well that was one of the blog's charms, and now it seems to have followed Jason into oblivion. At least it gave me a good title for this entry.

And that’s it. I’ll try to have some adventures tonight, or remember some part of the weekend that’s fun and interesting. Until then, go donate to save Toby!


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