Tuesday, November 30, 2004


After a brief holiday hiatus, I’m back to writing in the blog. The last week has been eventful, to say the least. We’ve had assaults, property damage, teens in their underwear, handcuffs, and a few blackouts (we’re not sure exactly how many). In fact, it’s been so eventful that participating in the events has prevented me from writing about them. But being the trooper that I am, I plan to chronicle every shocking, embarrassing detail and put it out there for the world to see. Well, later this afternoon when I need a break (my lunch break is almost over). We’re going to cover last Monday, touch on Tuesday (bet you think nothing happened that night), and then roar into Wednesday, Thanksgiving Thursday, Friday, Saturday, and end with our horrible Sunday. Yes, everyone’s favorite day of rest, the night that has put me on the wagon for a few days. So put on your seatbelts girls, it’s going to be a bumpy blog.

And in the meantime, check out this out. To paraphrase an old saying: no matter where you go, even Issaquah, there you are.


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