Wednesday, November 17, 2004

The Hardy Nancy Boys Strike Again!

There’s been a mystery that’s been bothering me: if Matty and BT aren't talking, how did Matty find out that BT was annoyed by the Thanksgiving Evite email entry (see the Random Emails entry)? BT wouldn’t have told him, and we couldn’t think of anyone that they know mutually and both talk to regularly. And oddly, Matty has demurred when asked how he knows.

Well, last night a compelling explanation presented itself. Paul and I were having drinks (more on that in the next entry) when we turned to the Mystery of the Evite Email Entry. In true Hardy Boys fashion (well, maybe more Nancy Drew) we started examining the clues. BT and Matty aren’t speaking, as far as we know. Who do they both know? Well, JPK. JPK and Matty aren’t speaking, as far as we know. But JPK and BT are friends, or at least friendly, and they work for the same company. Surely they discuss these things. And JPK checks out my blog, at least occasionally. Could JPK have seen the entry, told BT, and then commiserated when BT expressed his annoyance?

It seems likely, but that would mean JPK told Matty BT was annoyed. And Matty and JPK aren't speaking, unless it’s in secret... And in one of those “Eureka!” moments you only see on bad TV, Paul and I realized it in unison: for the umpteenth time, Matty must be secretly dating JPK! They’ve done it before, and it wouldn’t violate Jason’s new-found dedication to monogamy, since by all accounts he never put out for Matty in the past. What a bombshell, we had to order another round just to steady ourselves.

Of course we had to confront Matty. When cornered on the couches at R Place, Matty said, confirming our suspicions, “You two have got to stop smoking crack.” While that may be true, the fact remains that Matty didn’t deny it because he can’t. The cat’s out of the bag, the Issaquah Shangri-la is a farce, and there are (maybe) wedding bells in the future when Matty and JPK take their secret relationship public. The Hardy Nancy Boys strike again!


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