Pride Eve Trivia

We also had a cameo from Little Adam and his lovely lady lumps. He stopped by to let everyone know that he's "not a 15 year old girl." Well it's clear he's over 15 just from looking at him, but note how he didn't deny the allegation that he's frigid. Happily, that means the self-loathing closet cases of the greater Northwest still have Adam to turn to when they are afraid to go past first base.
Mini popped in halfway through the evening sporting a fresh "my face seats 5" haircut and a case of condoms for Pride. Which indicates a high probability that a good time will be had by ALL. Taffi was conspicuous for her absence; apparently she's spent the last week in a hyperbaric chamber trying to look 2900 again. Girl, you have at least 2 groups who find you fascinating: forensic pathologists and Egyptologists. Work what you got, you're good as long as none of it breaks off. Well, maybe not good, but you know what I mean. I mean, I suppose it could be worse. Somehow.... Ok, I give up.
And although I'm working today, I'm gearing up for Pride. I just need a memory card for my camera phone, and a way to get Sheetrock drunk (ok, that's not hard) and back to the Eagle for more pics in the sling. Happy Pride everyone!
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