A Fate Worse Than Seth

Taffi doesn't have much time for living things, aside from the vegetables from her garden that she pickles like they're her liver. But if she had a cat it might well be this one.
Apologies for the lack of entries lately; I've had plenty of material but very little time. I've been in Austin the last 2 weeks, very busy with work and almost as busy socializing. Yuki is here of course, but I also hunted down Chad Ballentine and ran into Brad the Bartender (now construction foreman) from Manray. James's old boyfriend Jacques is here for the summer, and my social circle is rounded out with their various friends and acquaintances. I've barely had a moment alone to sit down with my thoughts.
There's been a dearth of comments lately. By "dearth," I mean "none." And by "comments" I mean "comments posted on the blog." It's fine to get drunk, then stumble over and tell me what you think, but it's unlikely I'll remember seeing you, let alone whatever pithy observation you may have had. It's better all around if you just click the little comment link and type something up right away. And just hit that "send" button, proofreading and second thoughts are for wimps.
It was mean, and not that funny. You hit pretty much everyone, but if you're going to be mean you need to be funny, and it wasn't funny.And here I thought fat people were supposed to be jolly and have a good sense of humor, but I guess Joey's not like that.
Saturday I had brunch with Paul and Curtis, and then we went to CC's for afternoon cocktails. Somehow the subject of Marc and Walter came up, and Paul gave me the quote of the century. It doesn't make any sense, and it's probably not true, but it just kills me. Dying to know what he said?
So there I am at Marc and Walter's, f'ing [redacted] and I'm like, "This is why I hate you guys..."
Now I'm sure this didn't happen, or at least happen this way. And Paul instantly denied that he said this, even though we had all just heard him. But the image just makes me laugh: Paul, as he's thrusting away, turning to say "This is why I hate you guys...." It's freakin' hilarious.
Editor's Note: I'm not sure what comes after deaf midgets on Paul's list of what's hot, but it may well be this.
Boyfriends are great and all I guess, but they do have their drawbacks. They snore, or refuse to pick up their socks, or get fat. Some, like Paul, drink themselves mute and then dry-hump your nice lesbian friend's mother at a dinner party. Ok, well not very many do THAT, but you get the idea. They do annoying, embarassing things that sometimes make you wonder why you didn't just stay single and get half a dozen cats. Facing a catbox is so much easier than dealing with the drunken pleas for a 3-way with Ben.
I hope it's encouraging to hear that there are solutions for the most intractable of relationship problems, and a way to correct the most annoying of bad boyfriend behaviors. Happy dating!
You might be from Manhattan if....
Editor's Note: There's been a loss in the Bored At Work family; one of our contributors is now dead to me. But ably stepping in, and bringing a bit of Halloween with her, is our very own Taffi.
I've gotten some feedback about the last entry, so I just want to make these clarifications:
Girl, I know it’s been awhile. And I make no promises to update again soon. But I’m feeling a bit inspired so here are a few tidbits to whet your appetite:
Either there’s been a week-long full moon, or
Until about a year ago, Sheetrock Adam was in the Army. Those of us that know him intimately now may find it hard to believe, but he managed a military bearing whether he was being drilled here in the States, or performing out-reach around the young men of the fledgling Iraqi Army. In the finest tradition of American fighting men, Adam was always good-to-go, his weapon oiled and ready to unload into the enemy.
But since his discharge, Adam’s firm military bearing has drooped a bit. First, he started hanging out at the Crescent and dancing on the bar. He got sucked into a catfight between a Filipino drag queen and a Mexican tranny at Neighbors. His boxer shorts started appearing in Curtis’ bed. And one particularly rough night, my good sweet Carlos poured a beer on him. Not a pretty record.
The one thing keeping Sheetrock Adam from going completely off the straight-and-narrow has been his post-discharge National Guard requirement. Once a month, he spends a weekend at
Last month after a long day of drill, Adam put on his civvies and went to the base bowling alley for a couple Budweiser Spritzers. The drinks were flowing freely, and Adam’s new sleeveless Dolce T-shirt and linen Capri pants made him feel particularly sassy. Sometime around Spritzer number 6 or 8, a man in civvies started making disparaging remarks about enlisted men. It was the typical Army trash talk: enlisted men have no fashion sense, they can’t hold their Cosmos, they’re only good for licking officer’s boots and can’t even work a breech-loader.
Well, this last was just too much for Sheetrock Adam: he’d been training on the breech-loader for months and was determined to get certified. “You BITCH!” he cried, as he came off his barstool and backhanded the obnoxious man across the face. The poor fellow fell right off his barstool and sprawled on the floor, laying there like he needed a date.
And that’s when the MPs showed up. Turns out that guys talking trash about enlisted men are usually officers. And the Army doesn’t like officers getting slapped. Poor Sergeant Sheetrock Adam is now Private Sheetrock Adam, and is just getting reacquainted with his apartment after a month in the brig. But on the upside, his fellow prisoners helped him permanently stiffen his military bearing.
Last night was trivia night at Changes. I didn’t roll in until 7:30, but the boys had already staked out two tables. It was Paul, Curtis, Rick and I at one table, with Vel-Meeta, Joey, Sidekick, and Ben Dixon at the other table. It’s wasn’t a good night for us: my team won first place twice, but otherwise got skunked. The 420 Braintrust making up the other team won a 3rd place pitcher when Rick defected to help them. We decided they needed help when Joey insisted that Francis Scott Key wrote “Battle Hymn of the Republic,” despite the fact it was a theme round where every answer started with “H.” Way to rock that GED, kiddo.
Just in time for the last two rounds of trivia, Melissa arrived with Jen to take me dancing. Everyone’s met Melissa, but no one had met Jen, and there’s no way to prepare them. She’s a big, brash, curvy girl with the largest natural breasts I have ever seen. They’re beyond huge, they’re like a force of nature. It’s hard to believe they weren’t photoshopped onto her somehow. She told us that just the other day she got a free oil change for whipping them out at Lube-r-Quik. Now that’s power.
Understand, I’m not into breasts and neither are the rest of the boys. Except one. Take a guess who it was that instantly tried to bury his face in Jen’s chest. Could it be a little Mexican from
For my loyal fans who have been demanding an update, here are some tidbits:
And that’s it kids. Nothing else going on, but tonight’s Wednesday (the new Thursday) so I’m sure there’ll be more material soon!
What’s noon on a Tuesday without drinks? That’s a rhetorical question; I’m the last person who could tell you. Yesterday was my typical Tuesday: I met Seth and Aaron Velveeta at the Crescent for a drink, an update, and to decide where we’d have lunch.
Brief aside: anyone who has hung out with Aaron knows he tends to talk about himself. Endlessly. That’s not to say his conversations are narrow; indeed he can tell you, at length, how he feels on a wide range of topics. In just one sitting, I’ve heard his views on diet and exercise, journaling, sex, the cell phone industry, gay subculture, and cake baking. This would be simulating, if anyone else could get a word in edgewise. But like most people, I was raised not to interrupt, so he’s expounding on the next topic before I can comment on the previous one. I’ve learned to tune him out and slam drinks until I overcome my upbringing and just talk over him. It’s good times.
I have a little investment tip for you, one that’s going to make you and me a lot of money in the coming years. But being a lawyer, first I must give a disclaimer (Lord, how I love disclaimers): I am not any sort of investment professional. In fact, my investing career has consisted of 1)losing most of what I put into my 401(k), and 2) buying stock in a company where my ex worked and promptly losing half my investment. Use your own judgment in following my advice, because I’m most likely wrong. In addition, it’s not based on anything I saw at work. I never, ever, ever work with or see this anything related to this (as my billable hour records plainly show), and even if I had, the thought of suffering Martha Stewart’s fate would make me clam up and wet my pants. I’d sooner cut off my drinking hand than risk losing my license over anything that had even a whiff of coming from the inside. I came up with this on my own, so ABANDON ALL HOPE YE WHO INVEST HERE.
Did you make any New Years Resolutions? I did, and it seems like everyone else has too. They range from the traditional, “lose some weight,” to the optimistic, “stop drinking.” One guy told me last night he’s resolved to “fix his life.” Laudable, I should give that a try. But in the meantime I spent my Sunday evening barhopping with Seth, Madge, and Jae. We ended up at the Cuff, which (in case you were wondering) does not get going until after 10 pm. Sigh. I thought it was going to be an early night.
Yesterday I got punk'd (or at least pranked). It was good. In fact, it was beautiful. If it hadn’t been me on the receiving end, I would have laughed my butt off. But now that I’ve regained my composure and slept on it, I do have to chuckle a little. Not that the perpetrators won’t be punished, but it was pretty good. Here’s the story:
Sigh. I’ve been getting complaints from far and wide that I never update the blog anymore. They’ve run the gamut anywhere from “I don’t know what’s going on with everyone” to “Did you die and forget to share the good news,” and include the always cheery sentiment “Did you finally get a real job?” Well no, I haven’t gotten a real job. And I didn’t die, you’ll know that’s happened when all the gay bars on Capital Hill go bankrupt. I just got a little lazy (ok, a lot lazy) and lost that ol’ bloggin’ feeling.
Picture it: Thursday night trivia at Changes. Paul, Curtis, Rick, Mike Meola, Sean (Mike’s tattooed boyfriend of the week), Tim, Doug, and Me. Seth bartending. And for the winners of trivia, pitchers of beer.
It’s been a bit of a rough week. Monday was a day off, meaning I spent it at CC’s drinking with Seth, Mini, Madge, Jae, and two new additions. They’re the new residents at the House of Drama, Ricky and Eric. Eric used to work at Changes, and Ricky is in the Navy but getting out soon. They’re boyfriends, in love, and needing a place to live. Seth and Mini need roommates who will actually pay the rent and refrain from turning the place into a combination crackhouse/brothel/landfill. If you’ve gone down to the basement since the crazy, drunken wenches left you know exactly what I’m talking about. Anyway, when I say we spent the day drinking at CC’s, I mean only that portion for which I was conscious. I woke up around noon, called the boys, and then pulled myself together and rolled into CC’s by 1:45 pm. Nine hours later, the gang was thoroughly lubricated and ready for karaoke at Manray. I dutifully sang and staggered home. Or took a cab, I can’t honestly remember.
It’s been a long time since I updated the ol’ blog, but it’s summer and I’ve been busy with other things. Like work, and drinking heavily. But now that the days are growing shorter and dinner invitations have dried up, I can return to regular blog updates. Sorry I didn’t put up some kind of “Gone Drinkin’, see you in September” post, but no one ever said I was particularly responsible or reliable. Here are the random thoughts of the day:
Just some random quotes from the Pre-Birthday Dinner: